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Our America 2.0 vision is spreading!
I woke up this morning and saw an interview with Shark Tank’s billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban.
And I was over the moon to see he was talking about America 2.0!
I don’t know when we’re going to get from America 1.0 to America 2.0, but we will get there.
I couldn’t agree more, Mark. Except that I have to tell you: We’re already here.
Check out Mark Cuban’s video on America 2.0, plus my response and how to get my No. 1 stock for America 2.0:
America is Going to Come Out of This Stronger Than Ever
The coronavirus has left its mark on our economy. But it also did something truly incredible.
It paved the way for the new world.
Mark said some incredible things about this transformation that I want to mention.
It reflects what we’ve been telling you about America 2.0:
“The first thing we need to do is start investing in the future of manufacturing, not to try to recreate what we did in the past, but looking toward robotics, software and automation in such a way that we can dominate that area.”
Well, Mark, we 100% agree.
Not only that, but we have outlined some of the biggest opportunities in America 2.0 through our mega trends — 3D printing, robotics, artificial intelligence, precision medicine, new energy and the Internet of Things.
We’ve been watching these for years and now they are merging together to create the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
And it’s happening right now.
Another thing that Mark said in this interview:
Someone has a vision out there of what we’re going to look like on the other side. When we look back in five years we are going to realize there were five, 10 or 25 companies that were started that changed the world and lead us through all this to a brighter future.
I believe a vast majority of those companies that underpin America 2.0 are already here. They’re already creating a new tech-based “Infrastructure 2.0” of the U.S. economy that Cuban mentioned.
Those companies are already beginning to dominate various parts of the mega trends we talk about in America 2.0.
That’s what I’ve been seeing over the last month.
Invest in the America 2.0 Bull Market
Our nation has pulled together and embraced the future.
Our country is full of entrepreneurs. And you can see that today.
We transitioned to a technology-based reality. Streaming movies, mobile offices, online classrooms, even virtual gatherings.
I was moved watching this unfold in ways I couldn’t even imagine during such a tough moment in our history.
Now — like Mark — I’m excited to see where we’ll go next. And I have a few ideas.
Now that we’ve seen what we’re capable of, we’ll continue to push forward and innovate. Take it to the next level and the next after that.
That’s the American way.
Our industrial and manufacturing economy isn’t going away. It’s going to change. Instead of the old-world idea of assembly lines, we’re going to see companies embrace 3D printing, artificial intelligence and technology.
It’s going to create so many new-world jobs for the American people. It will also bring life-changing wealth to everyday America 2.0 investors.
And for us, that means so much potential for the companies that will lead this revolution to carry the stock market to new highs.
I’ve found more than 25 incredible stocks that embody America 2.0. People who are looking at what was are going to miss out on what’s coming.
Not us.
We’re looking to the future. And we’re finding the best ways for you to invest in this economic upgrade.
I’ve laid out exactly why America 2.0 is inevitable and happening now. And put all the evidence in one place to show you how it will all play out. For my America 2.0 blueprint, you can go here.
Paul Mampilly
Editor, Profits Unlimited
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