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The 5G revolution just got a major green light.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) just voted unanimously to launch a low power 5G network across the U.S.
This is great news!
5G is the gateway to the America 2.0 present and future.
5G tech will enable the revolution of connected cars, EVs and robotaxis for big players like Uber and Tesla by 2025.
Let’s face it, this where 5G really counts for us. The potential stock gains for this driverless revolution will be HUGE.
Today, I’m going to reveal the 3 biggest tech developments you need to know about to invest in America 2.0 — including 5G, 3D Printing, New Energy.
Don’t forget: You can follow me on Twitter at @ALancasterGuru. I post breaking developments in America 2.0, fascinating macro-economic data as well as news and stats that pique my interest and I’m sure yours too.
Happy Monday!
Let’s dive right into the 3 big tech developments in America 2.0 with a focus on the 5G revolution, 3D Printing innovation and New Energy & Solar breakthroughs.
The 5G Revolution is Here
T-Mobile and AT&T are on track in the deployment of 5G. Bloomberg Intelligence data is showing that both carriers will attain near-nationwide coverage by year-end.
T-Mobile is the leader so far with 5G service deployed to 200 million people in December 2019.
And as this U.S. map shows AT&T & Verizon are making progress, though AT&T is outpacing Verizon in City 5G mobility deployment by nearly 6-to-1.
As of April 24, 2020, AT&T has Mobile 5G deployed in 201 cities while Verizon is in 34.
If you’re an AT&T customer here’s a scrolling list of the 201 cities where mobile 5G is now present. You can check out this Marco Monday video link anytime to read the listed cities in your state when they appear in the scrolling list. Major Cities in Alabama through Kansas and Kentucky through Wisconsin are noted.
But what does this 5G deployment mean for you? Well, this past week I posted this article on my twitter page: The 5G revolution just got a major green light.
The 5G Revolution just got a major green light. Yesterday, the FCC voted unanimously “to launch a low-power #5G network across the U.S.” https://t.co/HhqBGjBnNx
— Amber Lancaster (@ALancasterGuru) April 21, 2020
On April 20, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously on Monday to launch a low power 5G network across the U.S.
As you probably know we here at Bold Profits talk a lot about how 5G is the gateway to the America 2.0 present and future.
5G tech will enable the revolution of connected cars. Ericsson, a networking telecom co. forecasts that by 2025, almost every single new car will be connected to wireless 5g internet.
But where 5G really counts and let’s face it, where potential stock gains can be made is in the revolution of Autonomous self-driving cars right on our local streets. These cars specifically EVs or electric vehicles and robotaxis are in the works by tech innovators like Tesla & Uber.
A couple of weeks ago as reported by Electrek, Elon Musk stated that Tesla’s robotaxi plan is still on for this year- pending regulatory approval.
3D Printing is Boundless
From Dresses to Shoes and Buildings to Motorcycles! So much can be made through 3D printing tech.
And 3D printing now more than ever is being used in America 2.0 manufacturing and production, case in point Tesla.
Just reported on April 23 by 3D Printing Media network, Tesla may have turned to 3D printing to address supply chain delay issues due to the virus. Because it appears certain parts for the brand-new just launched Model Y couldn’t be delivered in time due to the pandemic disruptions, it looks like Tesla turned to 3D printing tech to fill the void.
Instead of spending up to $500K and 8-weeks to manually design & manufacture a mold of the needed part, a new video shows how the Model Y HVAC system integrates partly 3D-printed parts saving time and money.
Simply put, 3D printing technology offers a state-of-the-art viable solution to mass-print products fast, economically, effectively and efficiently.
Renewable Ideas Shaping The Future
Everyone knows about how solar energy is an alternative energy source to power our homes via roof solar panels but make way for this solar power breakthrough. Solar driveways.
That’s right, a new solar driveway concept could power an entire household for 1-year. And it doesn’t stop there, publicly traded and leading U.S. renewables developer NextEra Energy just announced they see no drop-off, nor slow-down in renewable energy market growth.
NextEra specializes in the generation of electricity through wind & solar. According to Greentech media, “NextEra expects to build around 5 gigawatts of renewables capacity this year, and it added another 1.6 gigawatts of wind, solar and storage to its pipeline during the first quarter of 2020. None of its 2020 projects are expected to be delayed.” [1]
This just continues to prove that solar is the new mega new energy source in the making and a consummate America 2.0 mega trend.
Until next time,
Director of Investment Research, Banyan Hill Publishing
P.S. In today’s Macro Monday I told you about a new solar driveway — one clue that the renewable energy market is booming. If you haven’t read Paul’s new report on “Endless Energy,” including his No. 1 way to play the new energy revolution, click here to read it now.
[1]: NextEra Energy Looks to Spend $1B on Energy Storage in 2021
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