суббота, 4 апреля 2020 г.

3 Ways Americans Are Helping Each Other Survive Crisis

Timor Invest https://ift.tt/2yB2ZKn

Maybe three weeks of working from home instead of seeing my colleagues in Banyan Hill’s offices are finally getting to me … but it’s been a tough week.

There’s a good chance we all know someone who’s tested positive for COVID-19, has lost their job, is facing the real prospect of losing their business — or who might not be able to retire as planned.

Several of my own family members are deeply affected.

My dad turned 65 this year.

After a long career with the same company, he looked forward to retiring in the next year or two.

He’s not as certain now that it will happen, though.

Before I let myself spiral too deeply with all the bad news, I had to stop and get some perspective.

See, I told you at the beginning of this year that our goal in 2020 was to help you get “happy rich.”

While I have no doubt our experts will guide us all through this crisis — and even find us a few money-making opportunities along the way — I thought it was worth sharing those moments from the week that made me feel hopeful.

We shouldn’t underestimate the value of finding joy where we can at times like this.

Our feelings — grief, uncertainty, fear or anxiety — are valid. I don’t mean to take away from that.

But in case you need a gentle reminder (or three), here’s the news that helped change my outlook this week:

1. Stepping up for animal rescues: One of our local dog and cat rescues here in South Florida (from which my family has adopted three dogs) shared a plea on their social media accounts: They had an urgent need for foster families. (These are families who temporarily take a pet out of the shelter and give them a home while trying to find them a forever home.) The rescue was forced to lay off staff and enforce social distancing in light of the virus.

In just six days, they announced that, because of the overwhelming response from volunteers in the community offering to take a dog or cat home for several weeks, they no longer needed urgent fosters.

2. Teddy bear scavenger hunts: I mentioned my rescue dogs. I’m especially grateful to have them now because they help me remember to get daily exercise. As I walked my dogs in our neighborhood in the mornings, I noticed that a growing number of homes each day had a teddy bear or other stuffed animal in the window. After a quick Google search, I learned that the idea was for children to be able to participate in “scavenger hunts” in their neighborhood while they and their parents were trying to embrace this new normal by walking or riding bikes.

Many young families live in my neighborhood, so I love this idea!

(Full disclosure: We couldn’t place a teddy bear in our window because the dogs would think it was a chew toy. But I’m confident our Shih Tzu mix, Billy, who spends most of the day looking out the window, has made an appearance in many kids’ hunts.)

3. Teachers going above and beyond for their students: One of the elementary schools in my community posted a video to YouTube that featured their teachers sharing messages for students. Signs read: “We love you,” “I miss you,” “Keep reading” and more.

You can watch the video here — but if you get choked up, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Remembering each other’s humanity goes a long way.

Seeing how my colleagues have embraced the hiccups that come with working from home — it helps.

Whether it’s someone’s dog or cat making in appearance in a Zoom videoconference, or our own John Ross uploading a podcast for his Apex Profit Alert readers with a message to his team that read: “Gonna need some cuts, namely when my son interrupted to ask me to pitch him wiffle balls”… These unexpected moments lighten the mood and make everyone smile.

And I hope you’ll share your story with us: What has given you hope this week?

You can leave a comment below or send a message to winninginvestor@banyanhill.com.

We’d love to share your heartwarming moments with the rest of the Winning Investor Daily family!

As always, we have more to share with you this week.


Chad Shoop is back with another Bank It or Tank It. This week, he covers the short-term trade setup on Nvidia Corp. in his 21-minute video, “Nvidia Stock — Bank It or Tank It.”

Charles Mizrahi, Editor of Alpha Investor Report, offers this 6-minute update in his video, “Do Not Make This Mistake During a Market Panic.”

And Anthony Planas offers his latest Marijuana Market Update in his 8-minute video, “Canadian Update — Cronos, HEXO & MediPharm Report.”

Be kind to yourself and others.

And stay tuned to your inbox. We’ll keep you posted on what each new development means for the markets.

Good investing,

Kristen Barrett

Senior Managing Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing

P.S. When John Ross isn’t playing wiffle ball with his kids, he’s showing his readers how to make triple-digit gains … even through all this volatility!

The markets melted down in March — and John recommended his readers to close back-to-back triple-digit gains of 172%, 200%, 315% and 355%.

See, John’s strategy can turn volatility into opportunity.

And he just revealed exactly how he did it. Get the full details at his “Crash-Proof” Profit Summit today!

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