понедельник, 2 марта 2020 г.

$5K Challenge Update: 4 Readers Share Their Stories

Timor Invest https://ift.tt/2VAiY4D

This has been a tough week for investors, to say the least.

The coronavirus’s continued spread hammered stocks across the globe. On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average experienced its biggest single-day point drop in history.

Naturally, investors are panicking.

But our expert Chad Shoop is doing the opposite.

He advised readers of his premium service on Thursday:

It seems as if the selling pressure won’t let up. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 10% in four days this week.

But with the CBOE Volatility Index surging above a key level of 30, it seems very likely that stocks will bottom this week and climb higher from here.

I’m sure you’re familiar with Chad.

He designed the $5K to $100K Challenge. This is a simple, fun strategy that we first told you about last month.

Chad has plenty of readers on board for this challenge — and two months into the year, they’re already raving about how well it’s going. (It’s easy to see why. This is a strategy that will be successful in a bull market or a bear market. More on that below.)

Praveen wrote to Chad and his team:

“Chad, thank you on TSLA. Made a whopping $18K in just a few days. I am enrolled in two $5K challenges: NRG and TSLA. NRG is staying flat so far, but TSLA gave a jump-start for the next trade. Thanks again.”

Michael shared:

“Hi Chad: I am taking the $5K Challenge and invested on January 30 in one contract of the TSLA recommendation for exactly $5,000. I sold today, February 3, for $15,300. As I didn’t sell at a 50% gain and sold it for about a 206% gain, instead of rolling the full amount into another trade, I am taking about a third to pay off some debt. My goal for 2020 is to pay off all my non-investment debt. With this trade, we’re off to a great start! I am glad you put that challenge out there. I know it is going to make a significant difference in my family’s life this year.”

Brent wrote:

“Chad and crew, I bought just one TSLA call option:

“Buy: $5,075.00

“Sell: $12,700.00

“Gain: $7,625.00

“Gain %: 150.25%

“In just two trading days!

“This marks the beginning of the $5K Challenge for me. Just WOW!”

And Mike said:

“Just a note to thank you for the trade alert on TSLA. I’m a very conservative investor with a small portfolio. Options priced that high have been way out of my comfort zone, but I recalled your $5K Challenge and decided to take the chance.

“My sell order on the one contract I bought just four days ago was executed when the market opened this morning. I made a profit of over $3,000, the most I’ve made in a single trade since I started using your service a few years ago. To say I was stunned is an understatement. I intend to keep the challenge going and roll that over on the next trade that really looks promising.”

Chad has dozens of emails just like these from readers. He’s told me several times that hearing that his service is helping people like you make real money is the best part of his career.

The Trick to Making Quick Profits in Any Market

Now, you might be wondering why you’d trade a system like this after the week we just experienced.

But here’s the thing: Chad uses options. That means there are opportunities even when the market is falling.

Simply put, when you follow Chad’s strategy, you’re following a tested approach. Chad will study a stock’s historical performance and advise you to bet on a rise or fall in the stock.

If you’re betting on a rise, you’ll buy call options. If the stock is set to fall, you’ll buy put options. It’s really that easy.

Chad’s reliable Profit Trigger helps ensure the strategy will work in a bear market or a bull market.

And you can take the $5K Challenge either way!

You see, once you can pinpoint the profit opportunities Chad’s system helps identify, your account can grow faster than you could ever believe.

And if you’re unfamiliar with options?

Don’t worry!

You can attend this FREE training right away to learn all about how to trade options — and about the strategy that drives Chad’s $5K Challenge!

Chad could easily charge upward of $1,000 just to attend. But he doesn’t want to leave anyone behind.

So he’s providing these training insights on the very system that helped him deliver the incredible gains you just read about — free.

Just click here to get Chad’s latest insights on pinpointing these opportunities. You’ll see exactly how you can continue to follow along with Chad’s strategy — and make your first $5K Challenge trade — in the days and weeks ahead.

And we have more great content to share this week!

Watch Our 4 Newest Videos

Anthony Planas offers his insight on how the coronavirus will affect pot stocks. And he unveils his most bullish and bearish bets in the sector. Catch it all in his 12-minute Marijuana Market Update.

Matt Badiali shows you an easy way to protect your portfolio and ensure you sleep at night no matter what the market is doing — in just 4 minutes.

Charles Mizrahi shares sage advice from Warren Buffett that every investor needs to hear in a time of crisis. You can’t afford to miss this 7-minute video.

And Chad Shoop is back with another Bank It or Tank It. This week he dives into The Trade Desk to show investors the potential moves this stock could make this year.

Stay tuned to your inbox. Matt Badiali will reach out to you about one easy way you can grab insurance for the market’s next downward move.

Good investing,

Kristen Barrett

Senior Managing Editor, Winning Investor Daily

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